Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Egni Solar Co-Op Launched

Outside DOVE workshops

A hard working group of committed volunteers in SW Wales have been beavering around for the past year or so getting a large community driven solar PV project off of the ground. The Egni Co-Operative (see have clubbed together a wide range of community centres (inc the Dove Workshops shown above) so that they can 'borrow' their roofs in order to establish a community owned solar PV project.

The group had their official launch at the Welsh Senedd in early February 2014 and are now looking for community minded investors to reach their target. Investments range from £250 to £20,000 and operate on co-operative principles. See their website for more details on how the system works etc.

It is important that communities help themselves and it is great to see the SW Valleys communities doing just that, but monies for the project can come from anywhere as there is a return on offer. So have a look at the site and see if this is a project that you can support.

Egni Coop is also on twitter @egnicoop for anyone who is a keen twitterer.

RDE helped facilitate the non-domestic EPC work that was required for the project, so thanks to Iain at Greenfeet Energy Assessments ( with this.

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